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User guide

Start page

Enter your query by text or voice in the search bar and click on the Find button to find what you are interested in.


The Show breaking news button opens a page with the latest news for the last 7 days.

At the bottom of the page there are useful links to the Help page and the Terms of use document. You can also contact us by clicking on the Contact us button.

Page with current news

On this page you can see the latest news for the last 7 days in the form of cards from various news resources. Click on any card to go to the page with the article on the news resource.


Sort the news by one of the 10 topics by clicking on any one in the left menu. Click on the Show more news button at the bottom of the page to upload more news.


The Help button (icon with a question mark) located at the top of the page on the right leads to the user manual page.

You can enter a query in the search bar in two ways:

  • text by clicking on the search bar;
  • by voice by clicking on the microphone icon.

You can start the search by clicking the Find button inside the search bar or by pressing the Enter button on the keyboard.

Search results page

This page will display the results for your query.


News is presented in the form of cards containing the title of the article, summary, news source and date of publication. Click on the relevant card to go to the site with the full article.

Click on the Citation button inside the card to see articles from other news sources that the selected article contains.


Click on the Referenced in button inside the card to see other articles that contain a mention of the selected article.


To sort the results by topic, click on the desired topic in the left menu.

Registration (Sign Up)

To create an account, click on the Sign Up button at the top of the page.

In the window that opens, you need to fill in the required fields:

  • Name;
  • Email;
  • Password.

The password must contain:

  • letters from the Latin alphabet;
  • minimum of 8 characters;
  • at least 1 lowercase letter;
  • at least 1 digit.

Registration will not be completed until you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy by checking the box. After filling in all the fields according to the requirements, you can click on the Sign Up button.


To complete the registration, you need to confirm your account by clicking on the link in the email that came to you at the specified email address.

Authorization (Log In)

In order to log in to the site, click on the Log In button. In the window that opens, you need to enter the confirmed email and the current password, and then click on the LogIn button.


If you forgot your password, click on the Reset button. On the page that opens, you need to enter a confirmed email address to which instructions for changing the password will be sent.



This section contains your data: Name, Email and password. Any field can be changed. If your account is not verified, you will see a notification about it.


Click on Edit email to change the email. A window will open where you will need to enter a new email and the current password. To complete the changes, follow the link sent to the new email to confirm it.


Click on Change password to change the password. A window will open where you will need to enter the current and new passwords. If all the conditions are met, click on the Change button to complete the changes.


To delete an account, click on the Delete account button. A window will open where you will need to confirm the deletion. After deletion, you can send feedback about the service.

Quickron Bot

On the search results page, on the right side of the screen, there is a bot with which you can refine your query.



Use the Refine function to refine your query. Enter additional words to your query separated by commas and click the Done button. After that, qualifying words will be added to the list of filters under the chat, and the results on the left side of the screen will be updated according to the new query.



In order to clarify from which news resources you want to see news on your request, use the Source function. Select the required sources from the proposed list by clicking on them, and click Done.


After that, the selected news sources will be added to the list of filters under the chat, and the results on the left side of the screen will be updated according to the new filter.


Search type

You can change the search algorithm by clicking on the Search type button in the bot. You can get acquainted with the work of each algorithm by clicking the About search algorithms button. After that, select one of the 4 algorithms by clicking on it and click Done.


The selected algorithm will be added to the list of filters under the chat with the bot, and the results on the left side of the screen will be updated according to the new filter.

Search by Sense

A smart algorithm that adapts to the meaning of your request and suggests the most relevant articles.

Search by Keywords

This type of search will break your request into keywords and will search for them throughout the text of the article.

Search by Object

The algorithm will extract nouns from your request and will search for them throughout the text of the article.

Search by Event

Quick search for events by titles of the articles


Compare two articles by meaning using the Compare function by clicking on the corresponding button in the bot window. Checkboxes will appear in the article cards, click on them to select articles. Clicking on the checkbox again removes the selection.


After that, click on the Compare button, the system will compare them in meaning and show the result as a percentage of similarity.


You can send the results by email if you have registered and confirmed your account.


Find original

Find the original source among two similar articles using the Find original function. Select articles by marking them in the checkboxes.


After that, click on the Compare button, the system will compare them in meaning and if they are similar, it will find the original source among them. You will get the result in the form of the percentage of similarity and the title of the article published first.


You can send the results by email if you have registered and confirmed your account.


The first 10 results on the request to your email. To do this, click on the Share button in the bot window. You can subscribe to updates on your request by clicking on the Subscribe button. We will monitor the issue on your request within 7 days and send updates if it changes.


You can send results and subscribe to updates only if you have registered or confirmed an account.


Filters can be accumulated and you can clear all filters at once by clicking on the Clear filters button.


If you don't need to remove all filters, use the spot cleaning on the Clear button in the list of filters under the chat.


Voice commands in the bot

You can control the functions in the bot using voice. To do this, click on the microphone button in the lower right corner inside the chat with the bot and name the command. The following commands are supported:

  • Source;
  • Refine;
  • Compare;
  • Find original;
  • Search Type;
  • Share;
  • Help;
  • Clear filters;
  • Delete/No;
  • Complete/Yes;
  • About search types;
  • Delete selections.

When the microphone is turned on and you are working with the Compare function, numbers appear in the results block above the articles. You need to name the number corresponding to the selected article and the bot will mark it. Repeated pronunciation of the number - removes the selection. It works similarly with the Find Original function.


Also, by numbers, the system works with the Source and Search Type functions.
